This website was created to inform others of the pros and cons of living in All Seasons Mobile Home Park in Deerfield Ohio. I speak on my own behalf with nearly 16 years of personal experience to draw from.
The pros:
Its a relatively safe area.
Most of the residents are very friendly.
If you are fortunate enough to live nextdoor to a U.S. veteran with a heart of gold, and you decide to help him out with a few basic home repairs, he may call you over one day and pass on his entire collection of vintage RC cars, radios, and hobby supplies.
The cons:
There is occasional vandalism.
There are occasional power failures.
Some of the lots don't drain properly.
The park water turns brown often and without warning.
The park water is extremely hard. (35-37 grains per gallon. This will leave calcium deposits and cause early failure of pipes, water heaters, and plumbing fixtures.).
The park has a long history of poor maintenance (Many of the park owned water meters and shut-off valves have failed to operate properly. The roads havn't been re-paved in 15 years. There is scattered debris and literally dozens of patches and chuck holes. They don't drain properly. There is no indication whatsoever if or when they will ever be re-paved again. Many of the home foundations are falling apart, including those with homes already installed. Some of the failures are severe leaving gaping holes or trip hazzards. In the rare event that a foundation is repaired, its usually just a pour over.
The Management and Billing Company is Modern Management Solutions of Ravenna, Ohio.
If you have the nerve to complain about any issue, Carol Foster or Vicki Gilpin may try to intimidate you.
If you have the nerve to stand your ground on any issue or defend yourself when they you "stupid", Carol Foster or Vicki Gilpin may distort the truth, call the authorities, or have their idiot attorney David Allen Sed whip up the most illogical and unreasonable 'no contact' order in the history of the world. Not even making exceptions for payments, billing disputes, or emergency calls. What a moron.
If you go a few months with no complaints, they may contact you and waive the terms of that order in writing. Literally inviting you to call them (This may sound like a 'pro' but its not.).
If a 30 year old park owned shut-off valve fails to operate properly at any time, M.M.S. may charge $157 to your account. If you don't pay it immediately, they may place a screwed up, inaccurate statement on your doorstep under a rock and fail to acknowledge your last payment. This just 6 days after being invited in writing to call them if you have any questions.
If you have the nerve to complain about the bogus charge or the screwed up, innacurate statement, Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin may suddenly pretend as if those terms had not been waived, call the authorities, PRETEND to be afraid of you, and make you out to be a paranoid stalker with a volatile temper.
If you have the nerve to post a sign in your driveway challenging your accusers to a polygraph test, they may call the authorities again and attempt to limit your civil right to legal protest.
When you still refuse to pay that bogus charge for a beat up, leaky 30 year old shut-off valve, Carol Foster may use 23 inches of duct tape to adhere a single page document to your front door. She may order her little puppet park manager Sharon Weingart to do so or convince her to take the blame for it in a court of law.
Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin may convince their idiot attorney David Allen Sed to file for eviction.
When you show up in court and put up a strong defense, explaining that you have paid your rent for nearly 16 years, and that your only dispute was with the bogus charge for the beat up, leaky shut-off valve, Carol Foster, Vicki Gilpin, and David Allen Sed may use the most pathetic, half-wit, ineffective, grade-school psychological tricks in the book. Stupid jokes, rehearsed comments, whispered remarks, mindless gab, and fake laughter when you present your evidence. It truly amazes me that any adult would actually expect to intimidate another with such obvious psychological crap. Pathetic.
When the magistrate takes your defense seriously, David Allen Sed may become visibly frustrated and rude. Repeatedly clicking his pen open and shut, raising his voice, ordering you around, and waiving his finger at you when the magistrate leaves the room.
With regard to Sharon Weingart: Its a shame. I really tried to understand the awkward and difficult position that she was in as park manager. She didn't start any of this. She was simply caught in the middle. In the beginning, she was truly professional about the whole situation. I even forgave her for a little white lie that she told back in February about that water meter. I didn't even mention it in my sworn statement. I just let it slide. But she made some stupid irrelevant comments in that courtroom about not wanting to give me her cell phone number. This was done in an attempt to make me seem like a shady character. As if I ever wanted her cell phone number to begin with. She then testified that I had no functioning heat tape installed on the water line under my home back in February. She swore to it under oath. Also that I said "You got me there" when confronted about it. She went on to swear that I installed new heat tape and that I was upset that she wouldn't stand there and watch me install it. These comments are loosely based on truth but altered and exagerated for maximum effect.
This is what really happened: As I explained to Sharon back in February, I did have two rolls of heat tape installed on the same line. They were both installed properly. One was a few years old. The other was newer and served merely as a back-up. Both were functional to the best of my knowledge. I only plugged one in at a time. The newer and shorter of the two rolls ended where the meter began. The other crossed over the meter all the way down into the red ceramic crock. The entire line was insulated except for the meter. When the meter was repaired, I let Sharon know that I would use the newer roll from then on just to be safe. Sharon requested that I purchase another shorter roll and new insulation to protect the meter. She wanted it installed by a specific time that day. I agreed. Time ended up running close so I gave Sharon a call when I was almost home and let her know that she could witness the instalation. I may have even asked her to. But no way in hell did I demand it and no way in hell did I become upset for any reason. Certainly not with her. I wasn't upset about anything until M.M.S. decided to charge me $157 for a beat up leaky shut-off valve that hadn't operated properly for at least 16 years that I know of.
The details matter.
By the way, anyone who knows me knows that I am a humble, soft spoken, peace loving sap 99% of the time. But I refuse to be pushed around, intimidated, or ripped off. I will stand my ground on any legitimate issue. No matter what.
The trial has been continued. I'm no attorney but I'm holding my own in that courtroom so far. The best evidence will be presented in the next round. Win or lose, I've already been pushed way too far. I've had it with the lies, the half-truths, the psychological tricks, and the rotten motives. I've decided to excercise my legal right to protest about the BS at M.M.S. for years to come. Probably a decade or longer. I've already started posting photos at AllSeasonsDeerfield.Webstarts.com. A third website is still in the works. It will include all of this information plus more backround and dozens of photos. I intend to spread the word all over northern Ohio. There isn't a damn thing that Foster, Gilpin, Sed or anyone else can do about it. Its not slander. Its my legal right to speak from personal experience. In the meantime, you can take a look at the other site or read my sworn statement posted below. I have nothing to hide.
Honorable Magistrate O'Niell 09.08.10
I James M Urbansky have been named as defendant in Case # 2010 CV G 03134 R. The allegations are that I have failed to pay All Seasons Park for rent and repairs and therefore, should be evicted and that I should be held liable in the amount of $480.88 plus additional charges.
There are two significant errors made in the complaint itself:
The FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION states that I was given notice to leave said premises on the 8th day of August 2010. This is not true. I was given notice on the 5th day of August 2010. This date is significant for reasons which I will address.
The SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION states that I have failed to pay "rent" for said premises from the 1st day of January 2010 to the 31st day of August 2010. This is not true. I have paid rent for said time frame on a monthly basis without exception. On the 3rd day of March 2010, I actually had a negative balance. My last payment of $298.88 was mailed on the 31st day of July 2010.
I hereby dispute the allegations, the cause to evict, and the amount that I should be held liable for.
I have been a tenant of All Seasons Park for nearly 16 years. I have always paid my rent on a monthly basis including late charges for any payments not recieved by the 5th of each month. My dispute is not with the rent itself. My payment of $298.88 was mailed on the 31st day of July 2010 and recieved no later than the 2nd day of August 2010. It was intended to cover rent, utilities, and a $25 late charge for the previous payment which was mailed on the 4th day of July 2010 and recieved on the 6th or 7th day of July 2010.
On the 25th day of March 2010, a charge of $157 was added to my account. This charge was added under the assumption that my heat tape had failed on or about the 11th day of February allegedly causing a park owned shut-off valve to fail. This assumption has never been confirmed by any liscensed repairman and never proven in any court of law. I challenge the plantiff to produce a shred of evidence to support their assumption.
There was in fact, a park owned water meter freeze on or about the 11th day of February 2010. There was heavy snow and ice buildup in the area which caused the vinyl skirting to break away from the home leaving a 6 foot by 6 or 7 inch gap. This exposed the water line and meter directly to severe wind chill. Unaware of any additional damage, I thawed the water meter by placing a small space heater nearby. When the meter thawed, it was evident that the plastic dome and back plate on the meter had broken loose causing water to flow out at a high rate. The back plate had fallen off once before because of corrosion in the summer of '08' but the meter had never frozen prior to the issue with the skirting. Not even once in more than a decade since the meter was first installed. The park owned shut-off valve had become more and more difficult to close over this time frame. It was an issue for the park manager two years prior but she chose at that time not to address the issue with the valve. As I recall, she asked me at that time in '08' to shut it down as tight as I could so she could replace the back plate with new bolts. It would not shut off entirely. It was even less functional on February 11th 2010. This left the repairman no choice but to finally address the issue with the valve. He did make a comment about the likely cause of its failure. Saying "its old".
The emergency valve repair was made that night with a subsequent visit the following morning to repair the water meter. I immediately notified the park manager Sharon Weingart that I would accept responsibility for the park owned water meter because although I had the entire exposed line on both sides taped and insulated, I did not insulate the meter itself. My failure to insulate the meter itself was certainly a contributing factor so I did pay the $125 charge for the meter itself. However the valve in question was located nearly 3 feet up the line and installed below ground level in a large red ceramic crock. It had never operated properly, had become somewhat stiff over the years, and had to have its corroded handle replaced at least once 10 years prior by a previous park manager who lived almost directly behind me. For these reasons, I notified the park manager Sharon Weingart in person that I would dispute any charge for the park owned shut-off valve.
When spring came, the park manager came by to read water meters. She noticed that the ground in the area where the skirting had broken away two months prior was still damp. I told her that it always had been but that it did appear to be more damp than usual this year. There was no visible leak or damage of any kind but the water meter had to be repaired again for reasons unconfirmed. The repairman showed up a day or so later. He did make a comment with regard to park owned water meters. Saying that they had been failing "all over the park". It was at this time, that I noticed he was breaking away the top portion of the red ceramic crock with a hammer. I inquired about that as well. He explained that it was necessary in order to replace a fitting.
Since then, I have learned that All Seasons mobile home park is about 30 years old and that many of the original shut-off valves have already failed. I have personally inspected and photographed all of the currently vacant lots. There are about 40 in all. About 1/2 of which have newer PVC towers and shut-off valves installed where the original red ceramic crocks used to be. Unlike the originals, the newer valves have been installed above ground level. The recent work is obvious. See attatched exhibits "A", "B", and "C". I will produce a dozen more similar exhibits in court. I have also learned that some of the park owned water lines (including mine, the line in question) are made of Polybutylene pipe. A product used from 1978 to 1995. See attatched exhibit "D". The fittings have been known to corrode and leak. The product itself has been the subject of class action lawsuits and multi-million dollar settlements. Production was ceased in 1995 and outlawed in many states. See attatched exhibit "E". I have also noticed over the years that All Seasons Park has a long history of poor maintenance. The roads havn't been re-paved in over 15 years and most of the foundations are falling apart. See attatched exhibits "F", "G", and "H". I will present a dozen more similar exhibits in court.
On the 5th Day of August 2010, I submitted a brown park water sample to Mike Fletcher, a private contractor hired to help All Seasons meet health code. I explained to him that park tap water had always turned brown on occasion and that it had been happening more and more often over the last few years. He did later confirm in writing that the brown water sample that I submitted on the 5th day of August 2010 did contain 1.16 PPM of iron. Far above the level allowed by law. See attached exhibit "I". It was several hours later that same day that Carol Foster of Modern Management Solutions used 23 inches of duct tape to adhere a single page document to my front door. See attatched exhibit "J".
On the 11th day of August 2010, I was notified by the park manager that she needed access under my home the following day at "12 noon" to evaluate and/or repair the water meter. Her assumption was that the 'remote' had failed. See attatched exhibit "K". I opened the skirting for her the following morning but she never showed up. Upon inspection, I noticed that the meter itself had failed sometime between the 26th day of May 2010 and the 29th day of June 2010 and that the usage shown directly on the meter hadn't changed in at least six weeks. This was confirmed in writing by All Seasons Park on the 17th day of August 2010. See attatched exhibit "L". To this day, the meter itself still shows the same usage that it did on the 29th day of June 2010.
Something is causing park owned shut-off valves and water meters to fail.
On the 19th day of August 2010, I took a water sample to 'ClearWater Systems' in Ravenna for analysis. I learned that park water contains 37 Grains Per Gallon of mineral. Anything over 10.5 GPG is considered 'very hard'. See attached exhibit "M". I will take another sample and produce it in court if I am allowed to do so. It is well known and documented that hard water causes water heaters and plumbing fixtures to fail early. See attatched exhibit "N".
My position is that I was charged $157 to replace a 30 year old shut-off valve that should have been replaced years ago. I am convinced that said valve ultimately failed because of age, location, and very hard water. Also, that contrary to formal billing statements, the valve was not 'replaced' at all. A second valve was simply added to the line in order to save time and money for a park with a long history of poor maintenance. See attatched exhibit "O". In addition, the repairman had no choice but to break away the top portion of the original red ceramic crock in order to access and replace a very old Polybutylene pipe fitting beneath ground level. See attatched exhibit "P". This fitting had probably been leaking for a signifigant period of time. This is evident from a blue and white calcium buildup on the outside of the valve. Again, he chose not to remove this original valve. See attatched exhibit "Q". It is my belief that said Polybutylene pipe fitting leaked which caused the heavy ice build-up and the subsequent skirting damage. Another factor may have been that my lot has never drained properly. See attatched exhibit "R". When the skirting broke away, the water meter was exposed to severe wind chill. My failure to insulate the meter itself was most likely, the final contributing factor. However, there is no evidence to suggest that my heat tape failed at all or that it contributed in any way to the meter freeze. In fact, heat tape is not intended to protect meters. Only pipes. See attatched exhibit "S". There is not a shred of evidence to suggest that I am in any way responsible for the 30 year old shut-off valve which was installed nearly 3 feet away beneath ground level. It hasn't operated properly for at least 16 years that I know of. The valve itself did not freeze and it did not crack under pressure. It simply failed to shut off entirely. It remains intact and in its original place to this day. The handle has been removed.
According to Ohio law, All Seasons is required to keep all plumbing fixtures operating properly. That original shut-off valve is still installed beneath ground level. It does not operate properly. The water meter does not operate properly.
Of course, I am willing to swear to every word of this statement under oath. I am also prepared to confront any witness. I feel strongly that I am not liable for that 30 year old shut-off valve or any related legal fees. However, in the event that you rule against me, I am willing to pay whatever is ordered by this court. I still have the original Money Order in the amount of $298.88 which was mailed on the 31st day of July 2010 and returned to me on the 7th day of August 2010. I have the funds to pay the latest 'rent' charge for September as well. However, I do not believe that Carol Foster of Modern Management Solutions has any intention to settle for anything less than eviction and attorney fees at this point. She called me personally on the 4th day of August 2010 with intimidating comments and demands. None of which made any sense. The '3 day' notice was adhered to my front door with 23 inches of duct tape the following afternoon just hours after I submitted the brown water sample to Mike Fletcher. The park had no choice by law but to finally address the issue that same day. There is also a current protest on my part and a related but entirely unfounded allegation of telephone harassment. Tension is high on both sides. I believe there is an element of retaliation inolved.
If I am forced to abandon my trailer home for any reason economic or otherwise, it will be aquired by the plaintiff for penneys on the dollar and re-sold for over $10,000. They have already aquired at least two other abandoned trailer homes that I know of.
In the meantime, I will abide by the civil order of this court.
Respectfully, James M Urbansky
Fellow residents: I've been told that almost all of you are on my side. I really appreciate the support. I will be beat the eviction if I can prove that park owned shut-off valves havn't been operating properly because of age and hard water. I need witnesses willing to swear that the park owned valves under their homes don't operate properly either. If you want to help, check the park owned valve at the source under your home. If it doesn't shut off completely, just write a short statement with your name, address, and signature. If I can get a half dozen or so, I think the magistrate will take my word over theirs. You can reach me at 440-865-1408. I'll return the favor in any way that I can. You're also welcome to post comments here. Even criticism. I won't delete anything unless I strongly suspect Foster, Gilpin, Sed, or Weingart to be tha author. Thank you.
I had eviction court again today. Unfortunately, the judge wouldn't accept my best evidence. I had a 40 minute inspection from a liscensed plumber on videotape and a notarized diagnosis including a water test from the same liscensed plumber. The plumber confirmed that the original park owned shut off valve was still in its original place. He also went on record with his opinion that it was a "cheaper" "quite old looking" valve and that it probably failed because of age and "extremely hard" water.
I also had a written testimonial from a current resident and another from a former resident. Both stated that the park owned shut-off valves under their homes didn't work properly either and that management was informed. In both cases, management ignored the problem. It would have been slam dunk evidence but Sed objected to all 4 best exhibits on technicalities. One of which was a simple mistake on the part of the notary who witnessed and sealed the written diagnosis. The judge did accept many others (over 30) overrulling Sed's repeated objections.
Call me an idealist. But the truth matters to me a whole hell of a lot more than legal procedure. I would never attempt to get any piece of legitimate evidence thrown out on a technicality. I think its a cowardly thing to do. My only objection was to Carol Foster's outright lies about what the original repairman said back in February. I challenged her to produce a single witness or a shred of evidence to support her BS or explain why the original invoice didn't even include any diagnostic work or analysis of any kind. I also challenged her to explain a few technical issues. She wouldn't give a straight answer about much of anthing. She tried to dance her way around every incriminating point. I had to demand a 'yes' or 'no' several times.
She testified that All Seasons is well under 30 years old and that Deerfield Drive wasn't even developed until '92'. I still don't know what year All Seasons opened but I do remember that Deerfield Drive was nearly full in '94' and that the road itself, along with the rest, was already in bad shape at that time. They were re-paved a year or two later. I know that the previous owner of my home had lived there for several years before I bought it in '94'. My neighbor had also lived there for several years. So her testimony that Deerfield Drive was not developed until '92' just can't be true. It doesn't even make any sense that the main road in the park would be the last to be developed. In fact, another resident told me that Taft Drive was actually the last to be developed. Taft was nearly full when I moved in 16 years ago.
She then testified that the water meters were already there when I moved in. That is false. They were installed years later. I believe it was the late '90's. I don't recall the exact year but I do know that it was well after '94'. She did admit under further questioning that it was possible.
When asked if she could explain why so many original red ceramic crocks had been replaced with white PVC and newer valves, she stated that they were simple upgrades. She refered to the white 'risers' as "nicer" hookups. At one point, she stated that these upgrades were made when old homes move out. But she could not explain why only 24 out of 46 recently vacated lots had these upgrades. I asked her specifically if there was any predictable pattern or schedule at all with regard to these upgrades. Again, no straight answer. She tried to paste over her BS with more BS about available funds. But she had no knowledge of any formal records being kept with regard to these 'upgrades'. No knowledge of any formal records kept with regard to shut-off failure rates. Her entire position on this line of questioning was obviously planned in a desperate attempt to cover up the fact that a large number of park owned shut-off valves had failed over recent years. She was about as graceful as a bull on a tightwire. In fact, she DID NOT want to testify. She didn't want to get caught in any lies. I knew this right away on the 10th because she and Sed whispered back and fourth about how badly she wanted to testify and about how she would 'get her chance'. It was an obvious trick designed to intimidate me. In fact, they played the same games today with the same lines. But Carol wasn't even called until I called her. As I was questioning her, she tripped up more than once and had to backtrack with more BS to cover the previous load. Sed didn't even bother to cross-examine. So those whispered remarks were nothing but psychological crap. IT DIDN'T WORK. I grilled her sorry ass.
I'll tell you something else. She doesn't know crap about physics. She was convinced (or pretended to be) that an uninsulated meter freeze would also indicate a valve freeze nearly 3 feet away on a taped and insulated line beneath ground level. It certainly would not. Like I said in my sworn statement, the meter was exposed to severe wind chill. The valve was not. The line in between was taped and insulated. Still, she swore on that it didn't matter. Evidently, Carol Foster has never heard the phrase "thin ice". She just doesn't get it.
Sharon and Vicki both testified on 9.10.10 that the valve in question was "replaced". I made damn sure to use that exact word when I questioned them. Of course, they were both dead wrong. I produced multiple photos to prove that the original valve was left in its original place. I also produced photos, phone records, and the original reciept from Pettigrew hardware supporting my side of the story with regard to the short roll of heat tape and insulation that Sharon approved specifically for the water meter back in February. It happened exactly as I said it did. The details matter.
I made a few mistakes with regard to court procedure but my evidence was solid and my testimony accurate. Unlike Sed who put his flat foot in his mouth more than once. In fact, when I made reference to the Ohio code requiring All Seasons to keep its plumbing fixtures operating properly ("good and safe working order and condition" 3733.10), Sed flat-out denied it. I produced the ordinance in writing and threw it in his face right then and there (figuratively speaking). Sed had no choice but to acknowledge the ordinance and shut his face. The exhibit was accepted. Later, he stated that no valves were installed on the left side of the meter. I had to remind him of the photos which showed that two park owned valves (one old and one new) were both installed on the left side of the meter. I also didn't let him get away with trying to put words in my mouth. For example, I specifically stated in writing that Sharon had asked me to close the valve as tight as I could in '08' so she could replace the back plate which had fallen off because of corrosion. Sed tried to put words in my mouth with regard to how many times I had operated that valve over the years without express permission. Which by the way, was never addressed in my sworn statement but I did explain to the liscensed plumber on tape that I had shut that valve (as well as possible) 4 or 5 times in 16 years (Once in '94' so I could leave town for a few days, once in '99' or '00' so I could replace my own shut-off valve, shorten the line, and install new heat tape, once in '08', and once in '10'. Two or three of those times, I did so with permission from management. Not that it matters, because the park rules don't mention a damn thing about permission to operate that valve. He told me to read a portion of the park rules with regard to meters out loud. This, I had no problem with. But when he tried to paraphrase mixing words and meanings with regard to liability, I called out his BS. I won't be tricked by a chump like Sed.
That meter froze because a park owned valve and/or fitting leaked causing heavy ice build-up which then caused my skirting to break away from the home leaving a 6 foot gap exposing the meter directly to severe wind chill. My failure to insulate the meter itself was the final contributing factor. Otherwise, it probably would not have frozen. I already accepted responsibility for that meter. But the line on both sides was taped and insulated. The valve nearly 3 feet away did not freeze, burst, or even crack. like many others in the park, it simply failed to shut-off entirely. I had nothing to do with it.
I can't tell the court how to rule on evidence but I can post whatever the hell I want on the internet. I will be scanning and posting dozens of documents which I feel prove that I had nothing to do with the failure of that valve. I will leave out the names of those current and former reseidents who gave written testimonial out of respect for them. But the notarized inspection and water test from the liscensed plumber will be posted. I will also deliver a copy of the 40 minute videotaped inspection to anyone who wants one. Or any other related document. Just let me know by phone or email (JamesMUrbansky@activist.com 440-865-1408). If you want a copy, you got one. Like I said before, I have nothing to hide.
I overheard Sharon, Carol, and/or Vicki calling me a liar. I think it was intended for the judge to hear. But I didn't lie about a damn thing. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Afterall, I'm the one who volunteered to take a plolygraph test. They didn't. They never will. Those of you who have had the nerve to complain about any issue such as the lousy water, the roads, or the bad valves know that Carol and Vicki both refuse to accept responsibility for a damn thing. Instead, they try to insult or intimidate the person complaining. From what I hear, they are trying to blame the garbagemen for damaging the roads and/or drainage system which is collapsing right in front of my home. Which is just about the most steaming load of crap I've ever heard in my entire life.
Here is an idea: If you build or manage a mobile home park with roads that can't even support the weight or action of a garbage truck, then DON'T CONTRACT OUT FOR A COMPANY TO OPERATE ONE IN YOUR PARK. Its not brain surgery. Its basic common sense. Its also basic morality.
What a rotten trick it is for those M.M.S. pigs to take lousy care of their own park, let the roads fall apart, ignore the issue with the drainage system, and then try to blame others for it. What a filthy, rotten, lousy, disgusting, trick.
Of course, I can forgive stupidity. But not outright lies.
Now, the garbagemen and I have a couple of things in common. We are being blamed for something that isn't our fault. Our accusers are filthy, rotten, disgusting liars.
The eviction hasn't been ruled on yet. I'll find out sometime next week. If I lose, I will appeal on the grounds of missing evidence (the court lost a few exhibits) and return with new evidence including properly sworn testimonials. That is, if the appeal is granted. Then, I will have my slam dunk. But win or lose, this website stays up. Like I said, I'm fed up with the lies, the half-truths, the psychological tricks, and the rotten motives. I will take the 'signage' down just prior to October 1st when the new rule takes effect, but I intend to protest online, in person, and with bumper stickers for years to come. There isn't a damn thing that Sed, Gilpin, or Foster can do about it.
As far as Sharon goes, she is the only one of the four involved that doesn't make my skin crawl. I can't say that I like her anymore but I don't consider her an enemy either. My only real problem with her is the poor memory and the willingness to have her strings pulled by the filthy likes of Foster, Gilpin, and Sed. Anytime those pigs want to put their money where their mouth is with a Polygraph test, I'm there. Loser pays.
But of course, they don't have the guts. Liars never do.
By the way, I plugged my 10 year old Frostex Heat Tape back in last week just to be sure. I also tested it the right way. With an ice wrap. It still works. IT DID NOT FAIL. If any of you doubt me, just let me know. I'll prove it. Like I said before, I have nothing to hide.
I did not cause that valve to fail and I am not the paranoid stalker that Vicki Gilpin makes me out to be.
There were two acts of vandalism in my driveway within 24 hours after posting the address for this website. The first sometime on 9.12.10. The second in the early hours of 9.13.10. This is not very complicated. I already know that most of the residents are on my side. I already know that Weingart, Gilpin, Foster, and Sed are not. My guess is that a friend or family member is trying to intimidate me. IT WON'T WORK. I already reported both acts of vandalism. I let the investigating officer know who I suspect and why. Now, its on the record.
ReplyDeleteDo it again moron. You'll be on video. I don't expect to get your face on video because a coward like you doesn't have the guts to show your face. But I will have your pathetic criminal act on video. You will then have to astablish an alibi for that specific time. Like I said, I already have it narrowed down. So go ahead. Try again to intimidate me. Chump.
Jim. I have some helpful information for you. Check your mail. S
ReplyDeleteWhen I beat the eviction and the bogus criminal charge, I am going to sue M.M.S. for all my related expenses. My accusers will have some more explaining to do.
ReplyDeleteThe trial is over but the magistrate hasn't ruled yet. My case was strong even without my best 4 exhibits. However, Carol Foster lied about the park shut-off valves and the opinion of the repairman from H. Luli Construction. The repairman who showed up back in February told me that the park owned shut-off valve failed because "its old". Those were his exact words. However, when I tried I to communicate with them several times over several weeks in an attempt to reach the actual repairman who made the service call back in February, nobody from H. Luli Construction would cooperate. My calls were never returned. I could not subpoena the repairman without a name. The pigs were also unable to produce a single expert witness to back up their bogus claim that I somehow caused that 20-30 year old park owned shut-off valve to fail. However, I do suspect that Carol Foster and/or Vicki Gilpin called H. Luli Construction and convinced them not to cooperate with me. It just seems like the sort of thing they would do. I'll never understand what people find so intimidating about either one of them. or Sed for that matter. As far as I'm concerned, the three of them are filthy, rotten, liars.
ReplyDeleteMark my words: Those pigs are going to push hard for an eviction and do everything within their power to force me out of the park without my home. They will make things as difficult as possible for me hoping that I will have no choice but to abandon it. In which case, they will aquire it like so many others and re-sell it for over $10,000.
Of course, this would cause me to re-define my entire purpose in life. I would sell the bulk of my remaining assets, give away the rest, live on scraps in a rat-hole apartment somewhere and work just enough to keep the basic bills paid. The rest of my time, I would spend protesting against those disgusting, rotten, lying pigs at M.M.S..
ReplyDeleteSome of you may remember that I stood out front of MasterTech Auto in Ravenna a few years back with a sign explaining how they ripped off dozens of people including my mom. I was there 3 or 4 times a week for the entire summer and most of the fall. I also built a large sign explaining what happened in more detail and mounted it in the bed of my red Toyota pickup. I had a severe impact on their business. Now, they are closed.
A few years prior, my brother was ripped off by 'Game Doctors' out west somewhere. I don't remember what state they were located in but its well documented. They had three stores and they had been ripping off dozens of customers. My brother was one of them. He paid for a game system that was never delivered. He tried over and over to get what he paid for or his money back. His efforts failed.
There was no criminal charge on either side but his money was returned almost immediately after I got involved. Now, they are out of business.
I've been fighting those pigs at M.M.S. over a $157 charge for a beat-up, leaky, shut-off valve that should have been replaced years ago and a bogus allegation. You can see just how determined I am to set the record straight.
Now, try to imagine how determined I will be if those rotten, disgusting, lying, pigs from M.M.S. force me to abandon my home.
There are no words.
I am going to write up a paragraph or two explaining basically what has happened so far. Beginning Monday, I will make a daily habit of re-posting that entry on websites all over Northern Ohio. I've done this sort of thing before. I can promise 100 searchable entries within two weeks. Next time, Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin should tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
ReplyDeleteThere. I just posted a dozen to start with for today. I'll be at this off and on in my spare time for the next decade or so. Of course, the pigs will do as I expect. Whipping up more psychological tricks designed to intimidate me. Making attempts to interfere with my blogging. I've seen it all before. Nothing will impress or intimidate me. Nothing will stop me from legal protest. If this site gets removed, I will immediately post another. and another. and another. and another. Creating as many accounts as necessary. I will also post 10 written documents in Portage County for each and every crank email, message, or call I recieve. Thats not to say that I won't take criticism. I will. If you're on their side, just tell me why. I won't hold it against you unless I think you're one of them playing games. But don't try to trick or intimidate me. It won't work.
ReplyDeleteI'm really pissed off now. There are no words to fully express how much more determined I grow by the minute. I've had it with those pigs. I will not break any laws but I will have justice.
By the way. That pig Vicki Gilpin, who raised her voice and called me stupid last December, accused me of having a "volatile temper" and swore in a formal statement to the Ravenna PD, that she was afraid of my "next move" after I complained about a billing statement that was off by over $400 and left on my doorstep under a rock.
ReplyDeleteShe failed to mention that she was already informed in writing of what I do when I get mad. I don't hurt anyone. I protest. Thats all. Now, if that pig was dumb enough to think that I was bluffing, thats her problem. But she was not afraid of me then and she is not afraid of me now. SHE IS FAKING IT BECAUSE IT MAKES ME LOOK MORE LIKE THE BAD GUY.
That filthy, rotten, lying pig knew damn well all those months ago that I wouldn't hurt anyone. She only said it out of hatred. Granted, I hate her too. But I'm doing exactly what I said I would do. LEGAL PROTEST. Now, that pig has made the list. No, its not a hit list. Its a list of those 3 pigs who I intend to protest against for years to come. The lying pigs will just have to deal with it.
Looks like M.M.S. is about to get another abandoned home free and clear. I just spoke to another resident last night who is getting evicted. She didn't deny being behind on the rent. She didn't even deny that she owes over $400 in legal fees. She got into trouble when the recession hit and fell behind on the lot rent.
ReplyDeleteShe has been a resident for well over a decade. I got the very strong impression that her '90's model home was paid off. She hasn't been able to sell it on such short notice. She can't sell it at all without approval from the park. But it is surely worth at least $10,000 MORE than what she owes the park. She tried desperately to convince the park to buy it from her since she is being evicted anyway. Sharon said "no". Instead, the park will force her out, have her removed if necessary, and aquire the abandoned home with all its contents free and clear. Its not right. In fact, its downright evil.
If the pigs had an ounce of morality, they would make a reasonable, although below market offer, deduct any money owed, their own expenses, and maybe even another $1000 just to cover the lot rent while its on the market. This would leave the previous owner with a few grand to live on while she tries to get back on her feet. Its the right thing to do.
But why should they do the right thing? It pays more to be a rotten, cold hearted, bastard. Mark my words: THEY WILL OWN THAT HOME FREE AND CLEAR IN A MATTER OF WEEKS. It will then be re-sold for well over $10,000. Those pigs at M.M.S. are going to walk away with another giant profit and the previous owner will lose everything.
Its downright evil.
I got another violation letter today. The pigs are still trying to set me up just in case they lose the current eviction case. So I've decided to start posting simple memos with the website addresses around Portage County. There will be hundreds of them. It won't cost much at all. I can easily get 5 copies per page.
ReplyDeleteLike I told Sed two weeks ago, I will not be intimidated. Their psychological tricks will never have their desired effect.
I do want to get this on record as well: There is another employee of Modern Management Solutions who has nothing at all to do with any of this. I don't know her name but she is very soft spoken, very polite, and very professional. She has brown or black hair as I recall. She has never given me a dirty look and never uttered a rude word to anyone that I know of. I don't believe that she has anything to do with the rotten and immoral business practices at M.M.S.. She was the one who finally confirmed my payment of $280.00 on May the 5th of this year. She also took the call regarding my truck and pet cat on April 30th. On two seperate occasions this year, she took my calls, resolved the relevant issues and, did so in a very polite and professional manner. If Carol and Vicki had her demeanor, there never would have been an issue. There would have been no argument on 12.02.09, no bogus 'no contact' order, no angry messages (I don't deny that. You bet your ass I was angry.), no bogus criminal allegations, no signs in my windows and driveway, no websites, and no documents posted all over Portage County. I still would have disputed any charge for that valve but it never would have come to this if it weren't for Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin. I probably never would have found out that M.M.S has made a business model of aquiring the abandoned homes of residents who couldn't afford all the expenses of an eviction. I won't stop warning people about M.M.S but my issues are almost exclusively with Carol Foster, Vicki Gilpin, and David Allen Sed. Sharon is just their puppet. My guess is that she is afraid to upset Carol. Like I said before, people are intimidated by her. Residents and managers alike.
ReplyDeleteI also have no problem with the All Seasons maintenance crew. I don't blame them for the lousy condition of the park. They don't make the decisions and they don't approve the incredibly stingy budget. They only carry out orders. It wasn't even their decision to charge me for that beat up, leaky old, shut-off valve. As far as I can tell, its not their fault.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if you're looking for a mobile home, there is a lady in All Seasons who might be willing to sell hers for much less than its worth. The park is evicting her. She can't even sell her home without their permission. They probably won't let you purchase this lady's home for any price. Even if or after the park debt is paid. Their plan is to force her out and leave her no choice but to abandon her home with everything in it. That way, they can aquire it free and clear. This rotten strategy has become part of their business model. But it might be worth a shot anyway. So if you're in the market for a great deal on a '90's single wide in nice shape, let me know. I'll put you in touch with her. or just look for the red Camaro by the lake. Just be prepared. I really don't think the park will let it happen.
ReplyDeleteThat is, until after they aquire the home free and clear. In which case, they will sell it for a giant profit.
If you are able to purchase that home from the current owner (you have less than two weeks), I would advise that you plan on moving to another park. You could wait a few months or until you finally get fed up with M.M.S.. In the meantime, you might be able to get yourself a great deal. Just make it quick. If you buy now, the current owner might not go hungry anytime soon. If you buy later, the current owner loses everything and M.M.S. gets another giant profit.
If Foster, Gilpin, and Sed are pissed off because of this, they ain't seen nothin yet. I'll have these website addresses printed up on bumper stickers pretty soon. and I'll be buildin another large sign to mount in the back of my Ford Ranger. I'll have to get that bucket insured when the sign is ready and make it my daily driver. Whatever it takes to get the word out. Whatever the hell it takes.
ReplyDeleteNext time, Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin should tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. In the meantime, their idiot attorney David Allen Sed should advise them to do so. So far, he hasn't.
Today is the 30th. As promised, I will take all of the signs on my rented lot down. However, Foster and Gilpin are still trying to set me up with Sharon's help. Just in case they lose the current eviction case.
ReplyDeleteI am still giving away copies of all my evidence to anyone interested. I've already given away two videos and three sworn statements. However, I will no longer advertise the 'free copies' in the park. So if you want a copy of any document that I have, let me know by e-mail.
Or you can keep checking the bulletin board. There is no rule against posting there.
The magistrate ruled in their favor late Thursday. He did so without my best evidence. Slam dunk evidence. He also fell for a flat-out Foster lie. Carol swore under oath that I wasn't even charged for a shut-off valve. The $6 part itself wasn't itemized on the vague invoice from H. Luli Construction but the job itself was itemized by M.M.S. It was refered to as "shut-off replacement". I read this line in court right off of the account statement. I also questioned Carol about it. She lied. I was there back in February. H. Luli was called after hours specifically because the water wouldn't shut off entirely. When they arrived, their immediate focus was on the failed shut-off valve. Otherwise, there would have been no emergency to begin with. The back plate on the meter wasn't even replaced until the following day during normal business hours. I don't know who replaced the back plate but I do know that it was done in 10 minutes flat the following morning. When I opened the back door to say hello, the repairman was already gone. The two jobs were billed and itemized seperately. $125 for the meter repair. $157 for the "shut-off replacement". Carol Foster lied on the stand and Magistrate O'Niell fell for it. Even going so far as to disregard my account statement.
ReplyDeleteI just confirmed another valid reason to object. The best one yet. I'll file the paperwork next week. But nevermind all of that. I just created 7 more websites in less than 20 minutes. Thats pretty good time. I'll shatter that goal of 200 by the end of the year. I've also decided to start contacting others who have been, are, or will be evicted from any park owned or operated by M.M.S. I will share everything I know with all of them and of course, the other residents.
ReplyDeleteCarol Foster and Vicki Gilpin should have told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Their idiot attorney David Allen Sed should have advised them to do so all along. It would have been in their best interest and that of the owner they represent. I can't tell the magistrate who to believe or how to run his court but I can and will do something productive and legal with this incredible anger. I have no intention to hurt the lying pigs. But I will expose them.
ReplyDeleteThe other resident that I refered to earlier had until today to get out. I'll get my 10 day notice sometime next week. I havn't filed the objection yet because I'm still trying to clarify a specific ordinance. I want to make damn sure it applies before I mention it in writing. With or without it, I have multiple grounds on which to object. I'll file it by Wednesday for sure. I have to be in court again that day to fight the bogus criminal charge. All because of Foster/Gilpin lies. I'm posting the entire backround on another page here. It will be up to date within a few days.
Its all because of Foster/Gilpin lies.
I did not damage that damn shut-off valve. It failed because of age and extremely hard water. Sharon knew damn well that it didn't shut off entirely two years ago. She doesn't have the guts or moral character to admit it because she is afraid to upset Carol. I'm being evicted because I had the nerve to fight the bogus $157 charge. I've been ruled against because my accusers are liars.
I did not call those pigs without permission. I was given permission in writing to call just 5 days prior. I was ordered in writing to 'make payment arrangements'. The account statement left on my doorstep under a rock did not reflect my $280 payment which had already been processed. It also included the bogus $157 charge to replace a park owned shut-off valve that hadn't operated properly for over 15 years that I know of. I called that night and left several complaints by voice mail. There were no threats of harm, no profanity, and no 'harassment' of any kind. Only legitimate complaints. Sure, I was angry. I had good reason to be. THATS NOT AGAINST THE LAW. The pigs responded by calling the cops and lying their asses off.
I will not be intimidated by lying pigs. I swear it on my life. I will not be intimidated.
Ive had trouble with Vicki too. She just isnt very nice. Carol isnt much better. I don't know anybody who likes them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the water. It is terrible. It turns your white clothes grey. It tastes sour. It leaves rust stains and it made by bathtub fawcet drip.
The roads are bad also. They repaved the front last year only because you can see it from SR14. The rest of the roads in the park are full of cracks and bad repairs. The heck with this place.
Jim, I'm kinda curious, if you hate it here so much why have you stayed for so long? What happened with the resident who got evicted?....did she sell her home? I for one love it here, very nice neighbors and I feel safe here. My neighbors look out for one another and I have never had a problem with the main office.
ReplyDeleteNot everyone at All Seasons have problems with the Park or the main office. The staff at the main office helped our family at a very low time in our lives. We like living here and will spend our remaining years here at our home. Look at the Parks in thsi area. No rules and junk houses and animals all over the place. I think you look for problems in everything you do. You brag about what you have done in the past, I would be ashamed. You DO NOT speak for all of us.
ReplyDeleteThis site has been up for over a month. Its been viewed well over 100 times. 20 or so of those by me alone. But there have been no comments from fellow residents posted until two days ago. Now, there are three all posted within 24 hours. Also within 24 hours of an individual walking behind my home at 4 AM with a flashlight. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteI already knew that most of the residents were on my side. I was informed of that several weeks ago. I also knew that Sharon was ordered to solicit complaints about me. Thats right. Residents were visited door to door and asked to submit written complaints about me. I intend to prove it when I sue M.M.S..
I also knew that some criticism would come eventually. I have no problem with criticism. However, the last two comments appear too 'one sided' to be sincere. I do suspect that the last two comments were posted by Sharon, Carol, Vicki, friends, or family members. They are just too 'one sided'. However, I will give the previous two users an opportunity to prove me wrong.
Sharon, Carol, Vicki, and company would never acknowledge the lousy water quality or the horrible condition of the roads, foundations, or drainage system on Deerfield Dr. Simply because it would not be in the best interest of M.M.S. to do so.
Therefore, I respectfully request opinions from the previous two users about the following park related issues:
The water quality. Taste, color, and hardness.
The condition of the roads, foundations, and drainage system on Deerfield Dr.
Take a good look at the photos posted at AllSeasonsDeerfield.Webstarts.com. Have a sample of the park water tested right up the road at Clear Water Systems in Ravenna. Have a drink. Then, return and post your opinions here.
Lets see if the previous two comments were posted on behalf of M.M.S. or if they were posted by residents with any regard for the real world.
A few more questions for the user who posted at 5:49 AM Pacific Time. How did the staff at the main office help you? Do you really think this park is nice compared to the others in the area? Have you seen Birchwood Manor?
ReplyDeleteBy the way. If the pigs say or do ANYTHING to make trouble for those residents who provided information or testimony for me, I will make damn sure that it is exposed in civil court. Like I said before, I will have witnesses and evidence galore. I'll make damn sure its all admissible. So those pigs better damn well leave those other residents the hell alone. They also better not interfere with my personal business. Any stunts they pull will be exposed in civil court.
You say you are not afraid of criticism but when your neighbor does not agree you you think it is one "of those pigs". You may have a few followers but we do not all agree with you. I am not going to debate you or take on the park. We all have a choice of where we live.
ReplyDeleteLet me first say I'm sorry you lost your case. I totaly agree with the water issue's in this park I think it's disgusting that I have to give my kids baths in brown water. And I also agree that people are paying way to much for the trailers in this park I know I did. I found it very sad that things where not fixed right but covered up and now not only I'm I paying a hell of a lot more than 10,000 for my trailer that I have had to fix the stuff that was hidden mold, leaks in the roof holes in the floor and who in there right mind glue's carpet to the floor there is more but the mold leaking roof and the hole in the floor is what thru me for a loop.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:10 AM: It wasn't simple criticism that led me to believe that Sharon, Carol, Vicki or company were here posing as unbiased residents. I don't expect every resident to agree with me on every issue. It was primarily the last 3 lines of the 5:49 AM post that got my attention. I gave you an opportunity to comment on the roads, water quality, foundations, and drainage system. You did what I would expect any representative of M.M.S. to do. You couldn't just deny their lousy condition because you would look like a complete fool. Giving yourself away in the process. So you did the next best thing. You simply refuse to comment on those specific park related issues.
ReplyDeleteI've never called Sharon a pig. She (you?) is a pawn. Foster, Gilpin, and Sed are pigs. Big difference.
Anon 12:18: I appreciate the support. I do have an objection filed with the court. If they won't hear it, then I'll have to cut my losses for now and seek restitution with a civil suit. No matter what happens in court, I will be posting nearly all of my evidence here on the web. Including scores of public records which will prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that Carol Foster lied under oath. Lie after lie after lie.
Sorry to hear about the condition of your home. Did you buy it from the previous resident or the park? Either way, you might have a strong case. I hope it works out for you.
I've been very busy with the move to central Ohio. The updates will soon be posted on the 'Trick up my sleeve' page. I will finish this page in the near future. For now, I'll leave you with this:
ReplyDeleteI have a new hearing on the objections to my eviction in early December. The lawsuit will be filed this winter. I have a mountain of new evidence.
The hearings on the criminal charge have been continued. No jury on Earth will convict me. Check back for my complete sworn statement. The one which was ignored or suppressed by the prosecution for three full months. Its two pages in all.
The court did finally grant me a hearing on my objections. Unfortunately, the hearing wasn't granted until I was already in the process of moving my home to central Ohio. The hearing has been delayed for over a month now. My objections will be heard on Thursday December 2nd. I'll post my objections in writing here as well as the court's final decision. In the meantime, I have this good news to report: As expected, the criminal charge has been dropped. It was based almost entirely on Foster/Gilpin lies to begin with. They didn't realize what they were getting into when they told those lies to the Ravenna PD. They were hoping that I would plead guilty and get it over with. That didn't happen. No way in Hell. In fact, I turned down the prosecutor's offer to reduce the charge and allow me to walk away with nothing but a $10 fine. I was determined to expose the lies and prove my innocence. It has been obvious for many weeks now that Carol and Vicki didn't want to testify. Their cowardess was certainly a factor. The charges have been dropped. But Carol and Vicki aren't off the hook. I still plan to file a lawsuit this winter. I was charged for a repair that was not my responsibility. I was wrongly accused of telephone harassment. I was wrongly evicted. All of it came after I refused to pay for a 25 year old park owned shut-off valve that hadn't worked properly for at least 16 years that I know of. I'll prove it in court.
ReplyDeleteI will be posting a mountain of new evidence here over the winter. The same goes for my Webstarts site. Like I've said all along. Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin should have told the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It certainly would have been in their best interest to do so.
To be continued...
My objection was over-ruled on another technicality. I didn't have the court transcript. I've inquired about it several times through the court but the bailiff never returned my calls. I didn't realize until two days ago that I had to have it or that I had to request it in writing weeks in advance and pay a huge fee. I was hoping the judge would consider the actual court exhibits that Magistrate O'Neill misread. I could have proven my case without the transcript. But he wouldn't. No transcript, no deal. Thats OK for now. I've already moved my home to Central Ohio so this hearing was of no real concequence either way. I've already beaten the bogus criminal charge. My sworn statement alone was enough to back Foster, Gilpin, and the prosecutor into a corner (Not that I'm upset with the prosecutor. I'm not. She was lied to from the start. She eventually did the right thing. The charge was dropped. Unfortunately, it took 5 or 6 hearings over a 6 month time frame. The Portage County tax payers had to pay for the rotten lies told by Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin.). I lost the eviction only because of procedural errors on my part, more lies on the part of Carol Foster, and serious misinterpretations on the part of Magistrate O'Neill. He literally misread the evidence. All of which I will prove when I sue Foster, Gilpin, and M.M.S. for the bogus allegations and wrongful eviction. I've already consulted with three attorneys. Two of which are willing to take the case. It will be a slam dunk.
ReplyDeleteI'll post my objections, the evidence, and dozens more photos in the near future. So far, there are over 90 searchable references online. Hundreds more to come.
Have you ever did anything constructive in your life?
ReplyDeleteI was born nearly two months early. I spent my first month in a bubble. I was sickly and weak until my late teens. I got serious about health and fitness when I was 18. I gave up smoking, drinking, and all drugs (including prescription and over the counter) that same year (1988). I took up martial arts the following year. I got serious about full time work with overtime when I was 21. I started sponsoring two children with Children International that same year. I still give to multiple charities on a regular basis. I held my last two jobs for 7 years each. I paid off my first new car when I was 23. I bought my mobile home when I was 24. I payed it off 6 years ago. I've been self employed for nearly 5 years. My income is modest but I get by. I bought my 5+ acres when I was 34. I'll have them payed off sometime next year. I've made a number of signifigant improvements to the property (I'm living there now.). Otherwise, every single thing I own is already payed off. In '04', I started rebuilding my parent's home. At the time, it was worth around $60,000. Since then, I've upgraded the roof, the siding, the flooring, the plumbing, and the electric. I also added a sunroom, a second bathroom, two decks, and a shed. Last year, it was appraised at $130,000. I just added another 16X32 covered deck. Its nearly finished. I literally saved another home by jacking it up to make massive foundation and structural repairs. It was about to be condemned. Now, its safe and sound. The owner is thrilled with my work. I'm nearly 41 now. I could easily pass for 25. I'm still very fit, very diciplined, and in perfect health. I can do whatever the hell I want in any weather without getting sick. and in case you havn't noticed or don't have the courage to admit (I suspect the later), I fight injustice anywhere I see it as time allows. It gives me a cheap thrill.
ReplyDeleteand you?
I already beat the bogus criminal charge. There was never a shred of doubt in my mind. When the final ruling is made on Case # 2010 CV G 03134 R, I will sue the pigs at M.M.S. and prove that I was charged for a repair that was not my responsibility, wrongly accused of telephone harassment, and wrongly evicted. The lawsuit will be filed in a few weeks. In the meantime, I will post much more evidence online. Including absolute proof that Carol Foster lied under oath and also that Magistrate O'Niell literally misread the evidence. I've already consulted with two attorneys who are willing to take the case. I might even retain one before then. Either way, I will sue the pigs and win.
ReplyDeleteCarol Foster, Vicki Gilpin, Sharon Weingart, David Allen Sed, Mike Fletcher, and Dan from H. Luli Construction will have no choice but to testify. 3 or 4 of them will lie under oath. When they do, I and my attorney will nail them for it. I'll also have at least 6 more witnesses including the liscensed plumber who confirmed in writing what I already knew. That God damn valve failed because of age and extremely hard water.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see Foster and Gilpin squirm when I prove that they lied about my actions and took part in a deliberate campaign to solicit written complaints about me.
It will also be very interesting to see what Sed has to say about that absurd 'persona non grata' crap. His written order didn't even make exceptions for park related issues, billing disputes, or emergencies. He failed to consider the rights and obligations of all parties involved.
I was hoping to make those points before a jury. However, the charge was dropped before I got the opportunity. Foster and Gilpin were too afraid of wetting themselves under oath. They wrongly accused me of telephone harassment in early May of 2010. They forgot to mention to the investigating officer that the terms of Sed's absurd 'no contact' order had already been waived in person, in writing, and by phone. They also forgot to mention that I was charged for a repair that was not my responsibility and that an innacurate statement was left on my doorstep under a rock just hours before I called them to complain about it. A statement that didn't even reflect my last payment of $280 which had already been processed.
No jury on Earth would have convicted me. The pigs tried to intimidate me with various tactics hoping that I would plead guilty and get it over with. It didn't work. I even turned down the opportunity to walk away with nothing but a $10 fine.
Unfortunately, they embarassed the prosecutor who was left with no choice but to appear before a judge and admit that her case was nothing but a steaming load of crap. If I were that prosecutor, I wouldn't be very happy with the pigs. The same goes for the tax payers who were left with no choice but to pay for a case that was based almost entirely on Foster/Gilpin lies.
Now, I'm off to create another website. The tax payers should know what they had to pay for. Of course, there will be another bumper sticker to let those tax payers know as I pass through Portage County. Which by the way, is on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this is the effect that Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin were hoping for.
After researching your case on the Portage County website you are listed as "indigent" and was appointed a court appointed attorney. Talk about tax payers dollars being wasted. If you are so succesful, have a modest income and own the items you listed, how are you deemed "indigent" by the courts?
ReplyDeleteI knew that you were here Gilpin. I just knew it. I knew that you were here posting anonymous comments in a desperate attempt to intimidate me and I knew that you would respond with one or more regarding my court appointed council. I knew it because I see and smell you for the lying pig that you are. It was evident in December of '09' and again in May of '10'. I knew that you would show up when I created this site. I just knew it. Even after everything that has happened, you still don't have the guts to identify yourself here. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteLike I said on the 10th, my home is paid off. Its contents are paid off. My vehicles are paid off. My property is damn near paid off. I am self-employed but my current income is modest. I didn't plan on facing bogus criminal charges and I didn't have the cash to hire an attorney in July when I applied for court appointed council. Its just that simple you half-wit moron. If it weren't for your rotten lies, there never would have been a criminal charge to begin with.
Its your fault pig. Not mine.
If you want to make a fool of yourself (again), call the Public Defender's office and ask them to double check my application. Just be prepared to explain yourself at a later date.
Nothing you can say or do will ever intimidate me.
Say that reminds me. Didn't you tell Officer Wilmington that you were afraid of me?
I'll remind you again pig. The charge was dropped.
Now get off my website Gilpin pig. You're not welcome here.
Another thing. My objections to the eviction were solid. I had slam dunk evidence to prove that Magistrate O'Niell literally misread the original invoice and screwed up the ruling because of it. Sed was sweating bullets when he appeared. He was about to lose his case to a high school drop-out. I've never seen him looking so nervous. Unfortunately, the judge would not consider my slam dunk evidence without a full transcript. I made several inquiries by phone about it from late September to mid November. Each time, I was directed to the bailiff's voice mail. My calls were never returned. Finally, I decided to present my case without it. I didn't realize that I had to pay a huge fee weeks in advance just to have the written transcript created from audio. So I lost the eviction (first cause of action) only on a technicality. A lucky break for Sed. A lucky break for you too.
ReplyDeleteLuck runs out pig.
I have already consulted with three attorneys. Two of which are willing to file the lawsuit for a modest fee upfront and collect the rest when we win the case.
The lawsuit will be filed shortly after the final ruling is made on the second cause of action.
In the meantime, I'm gathering more evidence.
You have no idea pig. Now, get out of my face and off my website.
I just did some checking. There were several more hits on this site around 8AM. One or more were probably made by Vicki Gilpin from her terminal at M.M.S. This site has been viewed over 500 times. This total includes many hits which were made recently from cell phones.
ReplyDeleteMy bumper stickers are having their desired effect. The next website (still in the works) will be the best one yet. Its address will be plastered on the bed of my truck. Current residents, former residents, potential buyers, and tax payers alike all deserve to know.
Every park owned by M.M.S. is falling apart. Residents who complain are treated like crap. I was charged for a repair that should have been made years ago. It was never my responsibility. When I complained about it, I was wrongly accused of telephone harassment. When I still refused to pay, I was wrongly evicted. M.M.S. has been aquiring the paid off homes of residents who can't afford the high expenses of eviction. Its become part of their business model. I believe this was their intention when they chose to wrongly accuse and evict me, a tenant of 16 years, over a $157 repair charge that was never my responsibility to begin with. It didn't work.
I beat the bogus criminal charge. I lost the eviction because Carol Foster lied under oath, because of procedural errors on my part (My best evidence was dismissed on technicalities.), because the court lost several defense exhibits, and because Magistrate O'Niell literally misread the remaining evidence. My objection was over-ruled on another technicality. I did manage to have my paid off home moved to Cambridge where I own property. The timing was a nightmare but its done. I'm living there now.
I still have all of my slam dunk evidence.
I was not responsible for that beat up, leaky, old shut-off valve and I was not guilty of telephone harassment. I was wrongly charged, wrongly accused and wrongly evicted.
The lawsuit will be filed in early '11'. There won't be any opportunity to settle out of court. I'm not doing this for profit. I want those pigs on the stand. I want their lies exposed.
Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin are liars. Now, they have opened up a can of worms that will never close.
The eviction was filed in August. My rent payment for that month was mailed on time and returned a week later. This was just days after I was given my 3 day notice to leave the premises. By law, M.M.S. could not accept any payment from me unless ordered by the court. By doing so, they would forfeit their case. Their bogus claim was that I was in default because I refused to pay for the shut-off valve. This was their only cause to evict.
ReplyDeleteI just found out that M.M.S. voluntarily dismissed the second cause of action. In other words, they decided not to pursue any claim with regard to rent for September and October, the bogus $157 repair charge, or their legal fees.
They got me out of the park but voluntarily gave up any claim to money owed. They also paid every penny of court fees. If I thought for one second that they did so out of good will or even mercy, I would return the gesture and drop my plans to sue in a heartbeat.
But good will had nothing to do with it. Mercy had nothing to do with it. They knew damn well that I wasn't responsible for that valve. They were made fully aware of my position and my slam-dunk evidence. They fought to have my best evidence dismissed on technicalities. They also went through the trouble to file the second cause of action (money) in early December.
They voluntarily chose to dismiss that second cause one week later. The motion was filed on the 13th. Mercy? Good will? The slightest hint of guilt? HELL NO. It probably had something to do with what I posted here on the 12th.
I had every intention to fight that second cause ($157 repair charge, attorney fees, and interest.), correct my procedural errors, and try again to get my best evidence submitted properly. Again, this evidence would have included a sworn and witnessed statement from a liscensed plumber along with a videotaped inspection and water test. His professional opinion was near identical to mine. That valve failed because of age and extremely hard water.
If M.M.S. had not charged me for that valve and left a screwed up statement on my doorstep under a rock, I never would have called them on the 5th of May 2010.
I have been telling the truth all along. I was not responsible for that shut-off valve and I was not guilty of telephone harassment. I was wrongly charged, wrongly accused, and wrongly evicted.
M.M.S. chose to dismiss that second cause of action because they don't want to be sued. Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin don't want to testify. They don't want their lies exposed in court. That much, I know for sure. I also suspect that their boss (M.M.S. owner) was made aware of the details regarding this case. He may have ordered them to drop the second cause of action.
My accusers had no idea how many worms would spill out of the can they opened. Now, they want it shut.
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