Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Bogus Criminal allegations made by Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin of Modern Management Solutions in Ravenna Ohio.

This page will be devoted to the bogus criminal allegations made against me by Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin of Modern Management Solutions in Ravenna Ohio. I have to re-type my formal statement filed with the Ravenna PD on 06.29.10. Its two full pages. I'll get to it in a day or two. These charges will either be dismissed early or I will be found innocent by a jury. There is no third possibility. In fact, I already turned down an offer of Disorderly conduct with a $10 fine. I did read the ordinance and I wasn't even guilty of that. Like I said. Its all bogus. My accusers are liars. Its just that simple. I'll have this site ready within 48 hours.

  Below is a re-typed copy of my sworn and witnessed statement filed with the Ravenna Police Department on 06.29.10. This statement was made in response to the allegations made by Vicki Gilpin of Modern Management Solutions on 05.05.10. It took so long because there was no attempt made by the investigating officer to consider the other side of the story. I had no idea that any allegations had been made or charges filed until I recieved the court summons over six weeks later.

At the time, I was still unaware that Carol Foster had made the same allegations on 05.05.10. However, Carol Foster was unwilling to swear to the allegations without speaking to her attorney David Allen Sed. She chose not to file a sworn statement at all. She made the allegations in person to the investigating officer C Wilmington. But to this day, Carol Foster has not been willing to swear to her own words with regard to this alleged criminal activity. This alone should have been a red flag. But for some reason, it wasn't.


My sworn statement as filed on 06.29.10:


   Officer Willmington,
   On the 6th of May, 2010, Vicki Gilpin of Modern Management Solutions made a formal statement alleging that on or about the 5th of May, 2010, I James M Urbansky had violated a 'no contact' order which was prepared by their attorney David A Sed on the 4th of December, 2009 in response to a previous confrontation with Modern Management Solutions and delivered to me by Certified Mail. I realize how difficult it must have been to believe that her statement was anything but entirely accurate. I have no doubt that she presented her case well. However, she evidently left out a number of very important details. Please keep an open mind as you consider my side of the story.

There was in fact, a 'no contact' order in effect from December 5th, 2009 to February 11th, 2010. This was the order prepared by David A Sed on December 4th, 2009. It instructed me to have "no contact whatsoever" with Sharon Weingart or the employees of Modern Management Solutions. Although this order was unreasonable in that it severed any direct line of communication between myself, a current tenant of All Seasons Mobile Home Park and its manager Sharon Weingart under Modern Management Solutions, I made every reasonable effort to abide by the terms. As I recall, there was no violation whatsoever by any party involved from December 5th, 2009 to february 11th, 2010 with the exception of necessary financial transactions and their related statements on a monthly basis which begin to suggest just how unreasonable the 'no contact' order was to begin with.

I'll get it finished later. I'm a two fingered typer. Check back. Its a slam dunk. No jury on Earth will convict me.

By the way, if you're looking for a mobile home, there is a lady in All Seasons who might be willing to sell hers for much less than its worth. The park is evicting her. She can't even sell her home without their permission. They probably won't let you purchase this lady's home for any price. Even if or after the park debt is paid. Their plan is to force her out and leave her no choice but to abandon her home with everything in it. That way, they can aquire it free and clear. This rotten strategy has become part of their business model. But it might be worth a shot anyway. So if you're in the market for a great deal on a '90's single wide in nice shape, let me know. I'll put you in touch with her. or just look for the red Camaro by the lake. Just be prepared. I really don't think the park will let it happen.

That is, until after they aquire the home free and clear. In which case, they will sell it for a giant profit.

If you are able to purchase that home from the current owner (you have less than two weeks), I would advise that you plan on moving to another park. You could wait a few months or until you finally get fed up with M.M.S.. In the meantime, you might be able to get yourself a great deal. Just make it quick. If you buy now, the current owner might not go hungry anytime soon. If you buy later, the current owner loses everything and M.M.S. gets another giant profit.


  1. My formal statement was filed with the Ravenna PD on 06.29.10. It was missing from discovery (court file) on 08.04.10. My court appointed councel at the time, Erik E Jones, ignored my inquiry about the missing document and never even returned my call.

    So I filed a motion with the court for new discovery. However, my formal statement was still missing from the court file on 09.28.10. It was still missing 3 full months after it had been sworn, witnessed, and filed with the Ravenna PD.

    So I walked over to the Ravenna PD records department, got another copy from them, walked back to the Portage County Courthouse, and filed the damn thing myself.

    I won't make any allegations here because I don't know for sure. But Damn! This is one screwed up case. It started with an order that was unreasonable to begin with. I can thank Sed for that one. It continued with rotten lies. I can thank Foster and Gilpin for that one. Went further with a court appointed attorney who didn't take the case seriously enough to return my calls. I can thank Jones for that one. And a little further with a prosecutor who for some reason didn't bother to include my SIGNED, WITNESSED, AND SWORN STATEMENT in the damn case file. Not even after THREE FULL MONTHS. I can thank her for that one. I said it before and I'll say it again.

    This is one screwed up case.

  2. By the way. I'm STILL ready and willing to take a polygraph test. If anyone wants to make that call and have it arranged, I'm there.


  3. I do want to get this on record as well: There is another employee of Modern Management Solutions who has nothing at all to do with any of this. I don't know her name but she is very soft spoken, very polite, and very professional. She has brown or black hair as I recall. She has never given me a dirty look and never uttered a rude word to anyone that I know of. I don't believe that she has anything to do with the rotten and immoral business practices at M.M.S.. She was the one who finally confirmed my payment of $280.00 on May the 5th of this year. She also took the call regarding my truck and pet cat on April 30th. On two seperate occasions this year, she took my calls, resolved the relevant issues and, did so in a very polite and professional manner. If Carol and Vicki had her demeanor, there never would have been an issue. There would have been no argument on 12.02.09, no bogus 'no contact' order, no angry messages (I don't deny that. You bet your ass I was angry.), no bogus criminal allegations, no signs in my windows and driveway, no websites, and no documents posted all over Portage County. I still would have disputed any charge for that valve but it never would have come to this if it weren't for Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin. I probably never would have found out that M.M.S has made a business model of aquiring the abandoned homes of residents who couldn't afford all the expenses of an eviction. I won't stop warning people about M.M.S but my issues are almost exclusively with Carol Foster, Vicki Gilpin, and David Allen Sed. Sharon is just their puppet. My guess is that she is afraid to upset Carol. Like I said before, people are intimidated by her. Residents and managers alike.

    I also have no problem with the All Seasons maintenance crew. I don't blame them for the lousy condition of the park. They don't make the decisions and they don't approve the incredibly stingy budget. They only carry out orders. It wasn't even their decision to charge me for that beat up, leaky old, shut-off valve. As far as I can tell, its not their fault.

  4. If Foster, Gilpin, and Sed are pissed off because of this, they ain't seen nothin yet. I'll have these website addresses printed up on bumper stickers pretty soon. and I'll be buildin another large sign to mount in the back of my Ford Ranger. I'll have to get that bucket insured when the sign is ready and make it my daily driver. Whatever it takes to get the word out. Whatever the hell it takes.

    Next time, Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin should tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. In the meantime, their idiot attorney David Allen Sed should advise them to do so. So far, he hasn't.

  5. Speedbump...It seems that messages posted on websites don't show up on Google as often as they did a few years ago. I've posted dozens and only one has shown up on Google so far. Just to be deleted by the site owner shortly after. Of course, I've seen that before. It was to be expected some of the time. Thats no problem. I'll just create 200 websites of my own. Don't think I'll do it? Watch me.

  6. I've been very busy with the move to central Ohio. The updates will soon be posted on the 'Trick up my sleeve' page. I will finish this page in the near future. For now, I'll leave you with this:

    I have a new hearing on the objections to my eviction in early December. The lawsuit will be filed this winter. I have a mountain of new evidence.

    The hearings on the criminal charge have been continued. No jury on Earth will convict me. Check back for my complete sworn statement. The one which was ignored or suppressed by the prosecution for three full months. Its two pages in all.


  7. My objection to the eviction was over-ruled on another technicality. I didn't have the court transcript. I've inquired about it several times through the court but the bailiff never returned my calls. I didn't realize until two days ago that I had to have it or that I had to request it in writing weeks in advance and pay a huge fee. I was hoping the judge would consider the actual court exhibits that Magistrate O'Neill misread. I could have proven my case without the transcript. But he wouldn't. No transcript, no deal. Thats OK for now. I've already moved my home to Central Ohio so this hearing was of no real concequence either way. I've already beaten the bogus criminal charge. My sworn statement alone was enough to back Foster, Gilpin, and the prosecutor into a corner (Not that I'm upset with the prosecutor. I'm not. She was lied to from the start. She eventually did the right thing. The charge was dropped. Unfortunately, it took 5 or 6 hearings over a 6 month time frame. The Portage County tax payers had to pay for the rotten lies told by Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin.). I lost the eviction only because of procedural errors on my part, more lies on the part of Carol Foster, and serious misinterpretations on the part of Magistrate O'Neill. He literally misread the evidence. All of which I will prove when I sue Foster, Gilpin, and M.M.S. for the bogus allegations and wrongful eviction. I've already consulted with three attorneys. Two of which are willing to take the case. It will be a slam dunk.

    I'll post my objections, the evidence, and dozens more photos in the near future. So far, there are over 90 searchable references online. Hundreds more to come.

  8. What they did to me was pure evil! Sharon is the devil herself!.. Let the buyer of my home a VM with the most scary accusations that could have cost me my child and freedom. She also on the VM stated entering my home and she changed my lock.. Mind you with out authority figures. 2 times I went to sheriff for help once in person once on phone. They wouldn't so much as write my name let alone my statement down. I was freaked out by what she said to sabatoge the sale I feared how far she'd actually go. I seem to be the only one that found this not funny!!.. And here I thought I was skiing the right thing because they are suppose to serve n protect correct!... This circle of all seasons park, that lovely attorney david, the sheriff office and court house needs to be addressed!... And people wonder why this worlds turning to shit. Idk if you'll ever see this but contact me if so. I know your post are years back.. I Google her and found this!

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